TUICO Affiliates / Partners

TUICO is affiliated with several global unions. Below is a list of TUICO affiliates;

IndustriALL Global Union represents 50 million workers in 140 countries in the mining, energy and manufacturing sectors and is a force in global solidarity taking up the fight for better working conditions and trade union rights around the world. Read More About Industriall >>>

IndustriALL has supported number of project intended to build capacity of TUICO. A living example is ICT infrastructure project sponsored by the Canadian Workers Union (UNIFOR). This project which ended in June, 2018 has enhanced TUICO ICT facilities including installation of internet connectivity, establishment of ICT centre, and allocation of 80 laptops to Heads of Sectors and ICT centre at the Headquarter and Regional Secretaries.

Public Services International is a global trade union federation representing 20 million working women and men who deliver vital public services in 163 countries. PSI champions human rights, advocates for social justice and promotes universal access to quality public services. Read More About PSI >>>

TUICO and other four Unions with members from the public services in Tanzania are allied with PSI in improving their services provision to their members. Specifically, PSI has been sponsoring projects that focus on trainings in organizing and recruitment, labour laws, utility, social dialogue and tax justice campaigns.

Netherlands Trade Union Confederation (FNV) has 1.1million members, making it the largest trade union in the Netherlands Read More About FNV >>>

TUICO is in a good working relationship with FNV that covers different areas of capacity building. FNV supports trainings of TUICO staff and section of members on issues relating to collective bargaining, health and security, and ICT use.

The Organisation of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU) is the ONLY African Trade Union Organisation that represents all the trade union tendencies in Africa.It has 73 affiliates in all the 54 African countries, with a total membership of about 25 million. Read More About OATUU >>>

At its World Congress in Buenos Aires, on 9 December 2005, the International Federation of Building and Wood Workers (IFBWW) and the World Federation of Building and Wood Workers (WFBW) created a new global union federation, the Building and Wood Workers' International - BWI. Read More About BWI >>>

BWI is a trade union dealing with workers engaged in cement and timber industries. TUICO is affiliated with BWI because section of its members is engaged in industrial sector. BWI has supported TUICO to conduct capacity building trainings to leaders, members and workers of cement companies on issues relating to labor laws, collective bargaining agreement, discipline and good leadership in trade union.

At its World Congress in Buenos Aires, on 9 December 2005, the International Federation of Building and Wood Workers (IFBWW) and the World Federation of Building and Wood Workers (WFBW) created a new global union federation, the Building and Wood Workers' International - BWI. Read More About Streetnet >>>

Solidarity Centre has sponsored projects aimed at enhancing TUICO capacity to engage in publicity and recruitment of new members from informal economy. Out of this project, TUICO recruited ……new members from food selling market at Buguruni, fish market at Ferry area, hawkers centres at Karume, TAZARA, Machinga Complex, Mburahati and Mabibo areas. Solidarity Centre also facilitated seminars to directors and councilors from Dar es Salaam on the role of trade Union, collective bargaining agreement, social security funds, insurance funds and workers’ compensation fund.

UNI Global Union is the voice of 20 million service sector workers around the world. Through 900 affiliated unions, UNI represents workers in 150 countries and in every region of the world. UNI represents workers in the Cleaning & Security; Commerce; Finance; Gaming; Graphical & Packaging; Hair & Beauty; ICTS; Media, Entertainment & Arts; Post & Logistics; Social Insurance; Sport; Temp & Agency Workers and Tourism industries. Read More About UNI >>>
The International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations (IUF) is an international federation of trade unions representing workers employed in agriculture and plantations the preparation and manufacture of food and beverages, hotels, restaurants and catering services all stages of tobacco processing. Read More About IUF >>>

The Solidarity Center is the largest U.S.-based international worker rights organization helping workers attain safe and healthy workplaces, family-supporting wages, dignity on the job and greater equity at work and in their community. Allied with the AFL-CIO, the Solidarity Center assists workers across the globe as, together, they fight discrimination, exploitation and the systems that entrench poverty—to achieve shared prosperity in the global economy. Read More About Soliderity Center >>>

Solidarity Centre has sponsored projects aimed at enhancing TUICO capacity to engage in publicity and recruitment of new members from informal economy. Out of this project, TUICO recruited ……new members from food selling market at Buguruni, fish market at Ferry area, hawkers centres at Karume, TAZARA, Machinga Complex, Mburahati and Mabibo areas. Solidarity Centre also facilitated seminars to directors and councilors from Dar es Salaam on the role of trade Union, collective bargaining agreement, social security funds, insurance funds and workers’ compensation fund.

The LO/FTF Council is the Danish trade union council for international development co-operation. It was established, under a slightly different name, in 1987 by the two largest Danish confederations, the Danish Federation of Trade Unions (LO) and the Danish Confederation of Salaried Employees and Civil Servants (FTF). Read More About LO-FTF >>>